Shamanic Therapies

Wild, Wise and Free. Discover Your True Potential

Therapies I Offer

Traditional counselling is very valid and has it’s place but wild therapies allows a connection to nature, yourself and other people. This allows you to connect to your soul, sense of self and being-ness, holistically. This shamanistic practise works on the rebalancing of power and energy on many levels and for many causes of trauma.

I invite you to welcome home your innate qualities of Wild, Wise and Free. Discover your true potential by experiencing life on your terms, in your embodied self, right here, right NOW.  The place where magic, self-empowerment and courage are found.  It is within the silence of the now, true freedom, peace and love are found.

Lynne facilitation of a hand fasting

Therapeutic Intervention

One of the therapeutic interventions offered involves shamanistic practises and techniques. Shamanism put quite simply, is the balancing of energy and power. Perhaps you already have a daily spiritual practice and recognise how important such practices are to maintain your inner balance on a daily basis.  Shamanism again reminds us of the importance of such spiritual practices which enhances and supports continued and exponential growth of the holistic self.  The goal of shamanic practice is to ensure on an energetic level that internal and external harmony within ourselves and our relationship with all of creation are balanced and whole. This is again assessed on an individual basis and can also involve chi kung, meditation, breath work, energy medicine and nutrition. £POA

Shamanic Tools

Rights of Passage

This involves sacred ceremonies from pregnancy to birth, young women coming into their menstrual cycle, young men evolving from boyhood to manhood, divorce, death and any major transition we experience in our journey through life. This again will be assessed on an individual basis depending on your needs and desired outcome during the transition you are undertaking. £POA

 Lynne facilitating a rites of passage weekend in reclaiming ones self empowerment

Therapeutic Camps for Adults and Children

These are organised by myself with external organisations on a local and national level. Examples of the camps offered are varied, they can be pre-organised events or can be tailored to specific and general needs. They are within nature with no technology, in woodland and natural environments, living in an integrated community while connecting with nature, yourself and the community you are part of. This is not all work and no play, as through fun and playful activities great strides can be made towards your personal development. This can involve canoeing or kayaking down a river, drumming, singing, trekking, movement and a wealth of other exciting and creative activities and endeavours. Please check the main page or my blog for the latest pre-organised events and contact me directly for a tailored camp to meet your needs and requirements. £POA




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Please use this contact form to request an appointment or feel free to contact me with any other enquiries or questions



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